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Increasing Profits with Signage

Consumers draw conclusions from signs.
Consumers draw conclusions from signs.

Signs have potential to increase profits. To determine how efficiently a sign is performing its communication function, thereby increasing customer traffic, sales and potential profits, it should be analyzed from four perspectives:

   A. Gaining attention of a prospective customer

   B. Communicating a name and a product or service.

   C. Communicating the correct image.

   D. Communicating specific customer benefits and seasonal information.

 A.     Gaining Attention

It is necessary to gain the attention of a potential customer before it is possible to communicate with him. If someone passes by your place of business and never really sees your business or sign, no communication was achieved. When evaluating how well a sign gains attention, the following 12 factors should be considered:

  1. Size
  2. Color and Contrast
  3. Shape
  4. Placement
  5. Visual Competition
  6. Motion
  7. Flashing Capacity
  8. Message Centers
  9. Lighted Awnings
  10. Site and Building Architecture
  11. Habituation
  12. Testing

In future blogs we will explore each of these 12 factors in detail, review how each contributes in gaining the attention of a potential customer, resulting in potential sales and profits. We will also discuss the important roles that communicating a name, product or service, correct image and specific customer benefits are in increasing potential profits with signage.


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