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ADA Signs

Comply with ADA requirements while staying on-brand.

The Americans with Disabilities Act, and more specifically the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, outline accessibility design requirements for state and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities. It requires accessible signage marking accessible elements and features in and around your facility, like braille signs, markers, and plaques. Whether you’re looking for a simple ADA-compliant sign or a branded option to carry your aesthetic through your space, these signs help all people navigate your space and create an accessible and friendly environment. 

Technical Details:

ADA signs can take many forms. Typically made of acrylic or metal, ADA signs must include these elements: 

  • A non-glare material for the ADA portion of the signage, even if other decorative elements are glossy or reflective, 
  • A contrast ratio of at least 70% between the background and text elements, 
  • Specific sizing of letters and tactile lettering elements; and 
  • Sans-serif or simple-serif fonts. 

How can we help make your space more accessible?

Use ADA-compliant signage to make your space friendly to all people and amplify onsite branding.