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Author: Tori Homann

The Benefits of Illuminated Signs

Illuminated signage impacts a business in many ways and restrictions on illuminated signage can directly affect your brand’s marketing efforts and bottom line. Unfortunately, municipalities tend to increase restrictions on it over time. So sometimes non-illuminated signage is the most…

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5 Ways to Increase Foot Traffic to Your Business

Your sign is one of your brand’s most important assets. Think of it like a salesperson. It is a brand advocate, helping people locate your business and communicating your brand values. So having a well-designed sign and then keeping up…

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5 Steps to Buy a Custom Sign for Your Business

When you’re opening a new business, or even just opening a new location for an existing business, there’s a lot you have to get done. You might have to renovate the space, hire new employees, acquire any licensing or applicable…

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The 2 Most Effective Signs for Your Business

If you’ve read our blog before, you know how important signage is to your businesses success. From driving foot traffic, to helping customers locate your facility, to even indicating whether you’re open for business, signage is your best salesperson. But…

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Practical Sustainability Strategies for Mid-Size Businesses

Perhaps no issue has become more important for companies in 2022 than sustainability. Large corporations and governments across the world are shooting for net-zero emissions. While this may be a realistic goal for some companies, it may not be financially…

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How to Choose the Right Font for Your Signage

When we think about graphic design, we picture elements like color, negative space, movement, and shape—all important aspects of designs of any kind. But one element often overlooked in graphic design, and in signage, is font. The use of font…

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The Barriers to Women in Trade Industries

The last time I wrote about this topic was in 2021. We were still in the heat of Covid and the economic outlook was dim. The sad reality is that with the tough economic and political climate on a regional,…

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Navigating Branding Post-Merger: A Guide for Businesses

I live in Houston, one of the biggest cities in America, both by population and by square-mileage. Houston is a commuter city, so I have to drive everywhere: work, the grocery store, the gym, the movie theatre–everything!  When I first…

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A Brief History of Women in Manufacturing

In honor of Women’s History Month, we wanted to dive into the history of women in manufacturing in the U.S. A historically male-dominated industry, women–who make up roughly 47% of the national workforce–consist of less than a third of the…

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Reflective Listening in the Workplace

  What’s the next way to innovate the workplace? How can we reach the next generation of workers? How can we maximize time and money? These are some of the questions that business leaders are constantly asking. But in an…

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